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Crossfit Trainer

Personal Training.

Are you struggling to get the body you want?

Do you need direction and accountability?

Best Personal Training & Weightloss, Mount Roskill  Auckland

I will help you get that dynamite body so next time you  look in the mirror you will look and feel absolutely amazing!!

No Experience Required

Weight Loss Plan

Why Hafsa Is Right For Me?

Programs & Workouts Build Around Your Goals

Workout At Studio or At Your Home

Nutrition Advise & Weekly Check In Accountability

"The Body Achieves What The Mind Believes"

Book a Free Consult

Are you ready to take charge of your mental & physical health? Come and explore how private sessions can help you reach your goals.


Not sure if it's for you?  


Book a free 30 mins consult and have a chat to see if I can help you get there. Let's get started on your journey to a healthier you!

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